Source code for echovr_api.api

import requests
import json
from echovr_api.game_state import GameState

[docs]class API(object): """An interface to the Echo VR API :param base_url: The base URL used to communicate with the Echo VR API """ def __init__(self, base_url=""): self.base_url = base_url @property def _gamestate_url(self): return self.base_url.rstrip('/') + "/session"
[docs] def fetch_state_data(self): """Fetch the raw JSON game state data from EchoVR's ``/session`` API This method could be useful if you want to retrieve some API data not directly exposed by this Python wrapper. Otherwise, you should probably use :meth:`fetch_state` instead. :returns: An object (probably a :class:`dict`) representing the raw JSON response returned by the EchoVR client. :raises requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: This exception will be thrown if the API is unavaible. This might indicate that the user is not currently in a match, or that they didn't launch Echo VR with the `-http` option. :raises json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: This exception will be thrown if the data returned by the API is not valid JSON. Likely indicates a bug in Echo VR or in this library. """ response = requests.get(self._gamestate_url) response_text = response.text.rstrip('\0') return json.loads(response_text)
[docs] def fetch_state(self): """ :returns: A :class:`~.GameState` object representing the state of the current game session as presented by the API. :raises requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: This exception will be thrown if the API is unavaible. This might indicate that the user is not currently in a match, or that they didn't launch Echo VR with the `-http` option. :raises json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: This exception will be thrown if the data returned by the API is not valid JSON. Likely indicates a bug in Echo VR or in this library. """ return GameState(**self.fetch_state_data())
#: An instance of `API`, with the default base URL. DEFAULT_API = API() #: Shortcut for calling fetch_state_data on `DEFAULT_API` fetch_state_data = DEFAULT_API.fetch_state_data #: Shortcut for calling fetch_state on `DEFAULT_API` fetch_state = DEFAULT_API.fetch_state