Source code for echovr_api.game_state

from typing import List
from import Team
from echovr_api.disk import Disk
from echovr_api.last_score import ContextualizedLastScore
import logging

[docs]class InvalidGameStateError(Exception): """Thrown when the state data passed to GameState is invalid""" pass
[docs]class GameState(): """Represents the current state of a game sesion. Initialized using data directly from the Echo VR API. See `the Echo VR API documentation`__ for further details on the attributes associated with this class, and the expected intialization parameters. __ :param client_name: The username of the currently signed-in user. :param sessionid: A 128-bit string-encoded GUID. :param match_type: Represents the type of match being played. :param map_name: Represents the current "map" (environment) the user is playing in. :param private_match: Whether the current session is a private match. :param tournament_match: Whether the current session is being used for an official tournament. :param game_clock_display: A human-readable representation of the current game clock time. :param game_clock: The current game clock time, in seconds. :param game_status: The current game's status. :param possession: An arry of two integers representing which team currently posesses the disk. :param blue_points: The current score of the blue team. :param orange_points: The current score of the orange team. :param disc: A dict representing the current state of the disk. :param last_score: A dict containing facts and statistics related to the last goal scored. :param teams: An array of dicts containing data used to instantiate the game's two teams. :raises InvalidGameStateError: Raised when you attempt to initialize the game into a state that doesn't make sense (such as having three teams). """ def __init__(self, client_name: str = None, sessionid: str = None, match_type: str = "INVALID GAMETYPE", map_name: str = "INVALID LEVEL", private_match: bool = False, tournament_match: bool = False, game_clock_display: str = None, game_clock: float = None, game_status: str = 'unknown', possession: List[int] = [], blue_points: int = 0, orange_points: int = 0, disc: dict = {}, last_score: dict = {}, teams: List[dict] = []): #: The username of the currently signed-in user. self.client_name = client_name #: A 128-bit string-encoded GUID. self.sessionid = sessionid #: Represents the type of match being played. self.match_type = match_type #: Represents the current "map" (environment) the user is playing in. self.map_name = map_name #: Whether the current session is a private match. self.private_match = private_match #: Whether the current session is being used for an official tournament. self.tournament_match = tournament_match #: A human-readable representation of the current game clock time. self.game_clock_display = game_clock_display #: The current game clock time, in seconds. self.game_clock = game_clock #: The current game's status. self.game_status = game_status #: An arry of two integers representing which team currently posesses #: the disk. self.possession = possession #: The current score of the blue team. self.blue_points = blue_points #: The current score of the orange team. self.orange_points = orange_points #: A :class:`~.Disk` object representing the current state of the disk. self.disc = Disk(**disc) #: A :class:`~.ContextualizedLastScore` object containing facts and #: statistics related to the last goal scored. self.last_score = ContextualizedLastScore(self, **last_score) if len(teams) != 2: raise InvalidGameStateError("Unexpected number of teams: %s" % len(teams)) #: An array of both :class:`~.Team`\ s currently in the game self.teams = [Team(**data) for data in teams] #: An array of all :class:`~.Player`\ s currently in the game self.players = [player for team in self.teams for player in team.players] # Note: The positions of the blue and orange teams in the array seem to # be fixed. Judging color by team name is unreliable, since players can # set a custom team name for themselves by pressing F11. #: The :class:`~.Team` object representing the blue team self.blue_team = self.teams[0] self.blue_team.color = Team.Color.BLUE #: The :class:`~.Team` object representing the orange team self.orange_team = self.teams[1] self.orange_team.color = Team.Color.ORANGE # Just in case I'm wrong (or a team decides to be a smart aleck), log # it... if self.blue_team == 'ORANGE TEAM' or self.orange_team == 'BLUE TEAM': logging.warn("Blue/Orange teams might be backwards (judging by their names).")
[docs] def find_player(self, username: str = None): """Find the :class:`~.Player` with the given properties Returns the player whose attributes match the given properties, or ``None`` if no match is found. :param username: The username of the Player """ if username != None: return next((player for player in self.players if == username), None) else: return None
[docs] def find_team(self, color: str = None): """Find the :class:`~.Team` with the given properties Returns the team whose attributes match the given properties, or ``None`` if no match is found. :param color: The :class:`~.Team.Color` of the Team """ if color != None: if color is Team.Color.BLUE: return self.blue_team else: return self.orange_team else: return None